Becoming a Public Company

Becoming a public company is a strategic decision. It should be extensively planned out before moving forward and analyzed from top to bottom. Microcap Advisors specializes in taking small companies public and gives them a comprehensive analysis of the important factors involved in why they should go public. There are hundreds of firms that offer services of "going public" using a boiler plate approach that doesn't take into account the unique nature of your company and business. There are often subtle or not so subtle factors in becoming a public company that have not been communicated properly so that the decision makers understand the responsibilities involved.

Taking a company public involves more than lawyers and accountants. There are a series of transactions often needed prior to any filing to put the company into a position to move smoothly forward on its way to becoming public. Microcap Advisors is able work with owners, stakeholders, and management to put a company's records in order to facilitate the transition.

Going public involves a comprehensive series of related transactions. Microcap Advisors provides a skilled group of experts and service providers including attorneys, public accountants, transfer agents, investor relations professionals and investors. By taking a lead role in managing all these groups we are able to effectively and efficiently execute and transition a company from private to public.

Management - Microcap Advisors

About Microcap Advisors

Founded in 2013, Microcap Advisors has long been recognized for advising small companies in multiple industries to achieve success and growth. We specialize in strategic corporate development, financial analysis, and in-depth reporting of the processes that drive a business and allow our clients to make better, more informed strategic decisions in the areas important to them.

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Our Commitment

Microcap Advisors's mission is to provide the highest quality service to its clients.

Business opportunities grow in size and complexity; advisory relationships are more important than ever and need to be based on trust and respect. We pride ourselves on our work ethic, ability to deliver, and our track record of successes.

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    520 South Grand Ave,
    Suite 320
    Los Angeles, CA 90071